
I try to copy data from the public cloud to my Azure Stack Storage using the tools proposed in the documentation. Unfortunately, several of them are not working. I managed to find a way using AzCopy. Unfortunately there is no such currently working alternative for deleting data. Therefore there is no way to clean the stack afterwards.

enter image description here

Might it be the same compatibility problem as for my last problem appearing for the .NET storage api? The error message seems to be the same: "Http Header not in correct format".

Are you using the correct version of the PowerShell cmdlets? See docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-stack/user/…. Azure Stack seems to require the cmdlet to access it using a specific version of the storage api that the normal (public cloud) Azure cmdlets, are not using.kim
This smells like you are not using right version of cmdlets / SDK. Install Fiddler and please attach the fiddler traces 400 bad request is not enough. One needs to see network traces for the REST API request.Saher Ahwal

1 Answers


Therefore there is no way to clean the stack afterwards.

Since it sounds like a one time taks: If the powershell cmdlets dont work, just use the AZ CLI instead.

az storage container delete -n [CONTAINER] --connection-String [STRING]