
I am given two arrays, one defines the relationship of nodes and other gives the values of nodes.


arr1 defines the relationship, i.e. root node is 1st element and parent of node 2,3 and 4th is node 1 and parent of node 5th and 6th is root 3rd and parent of node 7th is node 4.

arr2 gives the value of nodes, node 1 have a value of 22 and node 2 has got a value of 100.

I have to find the maximum sum of nodes such that no two included nodes have a parent or a grand parent relationship.

sample input:


output: 111

I am new to DS and ALGO and not able to even think of the solution. Help is needed thanks. Any type of help will do.

Are you aware of the concept of traversing a tree?Yunnosch
Can you simply print all the values in your tree?Yunnosch
Great grand parent relationship (or more distant) would be OK?Yunnosch

1 Answers


You can solve it using Dynamic Programming. Consider an array dp[] which stores the answer for each of the vertex and its subtree.

Now state of DP would be,

dp[currentVertex] = max(sum of all children's dp[] ,
                        b[currentVertex] + sum of all vertices' dp[] whose 
                        greatGrandParent is currentVertex])

You need to build DP table using bottom-up approach. So start from the leaves.

Answer would be dp[root] after all the calculation.