
Is Spring Retry guaranteed to work with Spring's @Transactional annotation?

Specifically, I'm trying to use @Retryable for optimistic locking. It seems like it would be dependent on the ordering of the AOP proxies that were created. For example, if the calls look like this:

Calling code -> Retry Proxy -> Transaction Proxy -> Actual DB Code

Then it would work correctly, but if the proxies were structured like this:

Calling code -> Transaction Proxy -> Retry Proxy -> Actual DB Code

Then the retry wouldn't work, because the act of closing the transaction is what throws the optmistic locking exception.

In testing, it appeared to generate the first case (retry, then transaction), but I couldn't tell if this was a guaranteed behavior or just lucky.

A more interesting question, I think, is if @ Transacional will work with a @ Recover annotated method.... it seems it does not!pakman

4 Answers


Found the answer here: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/5.0.6.BUILD-SNAPSHOT/spring-framework-reference/data-access.html#transaction-declarative-annotations Table 2 indicates that the advice for the Transactional annotation has an order of Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE, which means that it is safe to combine Retryable with Transactional as long as you aren't overriding the order of the advice for either of those annotations. In other words, you can safely use this form:

public void performDatabaseActions() {
    //Database updates here that may cause an optimistic locking failure 
    //when the transaction closes

If you want to test it independenty and be sure how it behaves then you may have @Transactional @Service, then another service that uses transaction one and just adds retries.

In this case, no matter how much you test you are relying on undocumented behaviour (how exactly annotations processing is ordered). This may change between minor releases, based on order in which independent Spring beans are created, etc etc. In short, you are asking for problems when you mix @Transactional and @Retry on same method.

edit: There is similar answered question https://stackoverflow.com/a/45514794/1849837 with code

public void doSomethingWithFoo(Long fooId){
    // read your entity again before changes!
    Foo foo = fooRepository.findOne(fooId);
    foo.setStatus(REJECTED)  // <- sample foo modification
} // commit on method end

In that case it seems to be fine, because no matter what order is (retry then transaction, or transaction or retry) observable behaviour will be the same.


By default Spring Retry builds advice with the same LOWEST_PRECEDENCE order - take a look at the RetryConfiguration. However, there is a pretty simple way to override this order:

public class MyRetryConfiguration extends RetryConfiguration {
   public int getOrder() {
      return Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE;

Make sure to omit the @EnableRetry annotation to avoid default RetryConfiguration be taken into account.


In case you are using Spring Boot and you want to use @Retryable, this is what you need to do:

  1. Add the dependency to the pom:
  1. Enable retries in your Spring Boot application:
@EnableRetry // <-- Add This
public class SomeApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(SomeApplication.class, args);

  1. Annotate your method with @Retryable:
@Retryable(value = CannotAcquireLockException.class,
        backoff = @Backoff(delay = 100, maxDelay = 300))
@Transactional(isolation = Isolation.SERIALIZABLE)
public boolean someMethod(String someArg, long otherArg) {

You can annotate the same method with both @Retryable and @Transactional and it will work as expected.