In an effort to learn a little bit more about custom geometry in three.js, I tried adapting Paul Bourke's capsule geometry example.
With my custom capsule geometry, I am currently having two issues:
- The middle face normals are not oriented properly.
- There is a hard seam along the side. (EDIT: fixed by deliberately computing the face normals. updated code in the gist)
And maybe one bonus question that has been lingering on my mind:
- What might a general strategy be to add vertex loops in that middle segment?
I'm really happy with the geometry in general, but would anyone be able to give me some direction on how to address these issues? I feel like the normal issue in the middle segment must be the orientation of the faces, and here is the related face construction snippet:
for(let i = 0; i <= N/2; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < N; j++){
let vec = new THREE.Vector4(
i * ( N + 1 ) + j ,
i * ( N + 1 ) + ( j + 1 ) ,
( i + 1 ) * ( N + 1 ) + ( j + 1 ) ,
( i + 1 ) * ( N + 1 ) + j
let face_1 = new THREE.Face3(vec.x,vec.y,vec.z);
let face_2 = new THREE.Face3(vec.x,vec.z,vec.w);