
I am new to VBA and need some help - if anyone could help me.

I need to copy a range, say A1:F1, and paste it in the row directly under, so A2:F2, on an automatic loop.

The top-most row contains data from a different sheet, therefore I will be copying the formulas of that row which links to the secondary sheet. I would like the loop to end once the other sheet has been exhausted and the macro hits an empty row from the sheet.

Any ideas?

It would be awesome if you could provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable examplePirate X
B1 is same row as A1 but one column across.QHarr
This is unclear, you want to copy a table between 2 sheets, with an offset of 1 row under using formulas provided on a second sheet?V. Brunelle

1 Answers


You can use a do until loop to find the length of your list. Then u can use this index to use range, push down the data and push your new data on the now empty top row.

I understand, that u want to push data always in the first row and everything else down, so you add always one new row.