I have a case where I need to list all Azure Active Directories I'm a member of and those I'm invited as a guest user to. Our application is multi-tenant where each tenant have their own Azure Active Directory, and one user can be invited to access the application as another tenant, and should be presented with a UI to switch between tenants/directories like we can do in the Azure Portal.
The first part can be queried using the Azure Resource Manager API for listing tenants which I'm a member of (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/resources/tenants/list). The response from this API do not include tenants for which I'm only invited as a guest user to though.
Are there any API's that I can call with an access token to query for all Azure Active Directories I have guest access to?
Btw: I'm able to switch between the directories I'm a member of seamlessly using the ng2-adal library, by explicitly setting the tenant in the ADAL configuration object and invoking login() on the ADAL service.
Update: The answer to my question is that guests must complete the invitation process by following the link in the e-mail that they receive from Azure Ad.