I have been building a private web based app for my shopify store that caters more towards our business needs. While i am able to do a dump of "all-orders", or "all-products", etc to Mysql, i haven't been able to figure out executing the shopify order creation webhook to insert a new order when created in Shopify to a Mysql database.
Instead i would need to run my script every "x" times to see if there is a new order (This could if i'm not mistaken lead to exceeding my API limit if i am running other API calls concurrently).
I understand the process of events however i am struggling to execute!
1. New order created in Shopify by Customer &or Admin.
2. Triggers webhook and sends Json to desired url i.e(https://mydomain//new-order.php). -> [Struggling]
3. When this happens the Json is decoded. -> [Struggling]
4. Assigned to a variable. -> [This i can do]
5. Inserted into a Mysql database. -> [This i can do]
=> Question:
How do you once you have created the webhook (in Shopify) get it to trigger your code to run thereafter and execute?
below is the code that i have put together, but when i sent a test hook the database isn't being updated.
All in the [new-orders.php] file (Broken up to show my train of thought):
[1] Private app credentials for connecting to Shopify store.
$api_url = https://apikey:[email protected]';
$shopify = $api_url . '/admin/webhooks.json';
[2] Create an array for the webhook argumnets when the webhook is triggered & assign to variable $webhooks.
$arguments = array(
'topic' => 'order/creation',
'address' => 'https://mydomain//new-order.php'
$webhooks = $api_url . '/admin/webhooks.json', $arguments;
[3] Decode the webhook data.
$webhook_content = '';
$webhook = fopen('php://input' , 'rb');
while(!feof($webhook)){ //loop through the input stream while the end of file is not reached
$webhook_content .= fread($webhook, 4096); //append the content on the current iteration
fclose($webhook); //close the resource
$orders = json_decode($webhook_content, true); //convert the json to array
[4] Add the new order to the Mysql database table.
// not sure if a foreach loop is necessary in this case?
foreach($orders as $order){
$servername = "mysql.servername.com";
$database = "database_name";
$username = "user_name";
$password = "password";
$sql = "mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$database;";
// Create a new connection to the MySQL database using PDO, $my_Db_Connection is an object
try {
$db = new PDO($sql, $username, $password);
//echo "<p> DB Connect = Success.</p>";
} catch (PDOException $error) {
echo 'Connection error: ' . $error->getMessage();
$order_id = $order['id'];
$order_number = $order['name'];
$f_name = $order['billing_address']['name'];
$payment_gateway = $order['gateway'];
$financial_status = $order['financial_status'];
$order_value = $order['total_price'];
$order_status = $order['#'];
$shipping_province = $order['shipping_address']['province'];
$created_at = $order['created_at'];
$updated_at = $order['updated_at'];
$shipping_method = $order['shipping_lines'][0]['title'];
$stmt = $db->query("INSERT INTO orders(order_id, order_number, cust_fname, payment_gateway, financial_status, order_value, order_status, ship_to, created_at, updated_at, shipping_method)
VALUES ('$created_at', '$order_id', '$order_number', '$f_name', '$payment_gateway', '$financial_status', '$order_value', '$order_status', '$shipping_province', '$created_at', '$updated_at', '$shipping_method')");
Any help would be greatly appreciated and i hope i have given enough context to the issue i am currently facing. If any other information is required i will try my best to explain why i have done something the way i have.