Surprisingly, my project is completely written and developed in Java only, it's also not containing any dependencies declared for Kotlin. Yet I'm receiving this weird error:
A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
When I use the below configuration, it works perfectly fine, builds the project and the app gets installed on my device/emulator:
Android Studio Version: 3.1 Stable release
Gradle Plugin Version: 3.0.1
Gradle Distribution URL:
BUT When I use the latest configuration declared below, the error occurs while running the app as shown in the images:
Android Studio Version: 3.1 Stable release
Gradle Plugin Version: 3.1.0
Gradle Distribution URL:
Steps I've followed/things I've tried:
- Clean Project
- Rebuild Project
- Sync Project
- Deleting
folder from project tree - Checked that project doesn't contain any names, references or declarations missing
- Invalidate Caches/Restart
- Check the whole dependency tree to make sure any Kotlin dependency is not imported or used as my project doesn't make use of Kotlin language
None of the above have worked!