In SharePoint Online I have a sub site called "subsite_a" under my root site collection. This sub site has a generic list with about 50 items. When I query the top ten items:
I get a @odata.nextLink property that looks like that:
"@odata.context": "$metadata#sites('root')/microsoft.graph.getByPath/lists('d383fe85-83e3-448d-afc8-cc42ee9de535')/items",
"@odata.nextLink": "'pathValue')/lists/d383fe85-83e3-448d-afc8-cc42ee9de535/items?top=10&$skiptoken=UGFnZWQ9VFJVRSZwX0lEPTEw",
"value": [{ ... }]
When I use the nextLink I get an error "The request is malformed or incorrect."
For me the nextLink looks pretty malformed. I would expect to have the same api call with an additional skipToken.
Is the format of the nextLink correct ?
Side note: The nextLink looks and works correct when the list is directly under the root site