
We are using a nuget package that requires authentication and are having issues when we try to build our project via VSTS builds. We can pull up the external nuget package feed from our authenticated browser and also via Visual Studio. The project builds locally and has no issues. However, when running through VSTS builds, we receive a 401 unauthorized messed even though we believe we have set things up properly.


  1. Image of nuget task
  2. Image of authentication for nuget feed
  3. Image of personal access token that is used

Build log

Part of the log that shows that the authentication is picked up and being applied:

2018-03-30T19:38:43.2917713Z Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.
2018-03-30T19:38:43.3113980Z Using authentication information for the following URI: https://microsoft.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/MEE.Privacy/nuget/v3/index.json
2018-03-30T19:38:43.3123672Z [command]D:\a\_tool\NuGet\4.1.0\x64\nuget.exe sources Remove -NonInteractive -Name Privacy -ConfigFile D:\a\4\Nuget\tempNuGet_5609.config
2018-03-30T19:38:45.5301476Z Package source with Name: Privacy removed successfully.
2018-03-30T19:38:45.5348241Z [command]D:\a\_tool\NuGet\4.1.0\x64\nuget.exe sources Add -NonInteractive -Name Privacy -Source https://microsoft.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/MEE.Privacy/nuget/v3/index.json -ConfigFile D:\a\4\Nuget\tempNuGet_5609.config -Username ******** -Password ********
2018-03-30T19:38:46.0254022Z Package Source with Name: Privacy added successfully.
2018-03-30T19:38:46.0295574Z [command]D:\a\_tool\NuGet\4.1.0\x64\nuget.exe restore D:\a\4\s\msc\dev\Msc.Privacy\Msc.Privacy.sln -Verbosity Detailed -NonInteractive -ConfigFile D:\a\4\Nuget\tempNuGet_5609.config

Error that we receive when trying to find nuget package:

The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(Errors in packages.config projects
Unable to find version '1.1.18087.3' of package 'Microsoft.PrivacyServices.CommandFeed.Client'.
C:\Users\VssAdministrator\.nuget\packages\: Package 'Microsoft.PrivacyServices.CommandFeed.Client.1.1.18087.3' is not found on source 'C:\Users\VssAdministrator\.nuget\packages\'.
D:\a\4\Nuget\..\..\_Packages: Package 'Microsoft.PrivacyServices.CommandFeed.Client.1.1.18087.3' is not found on source 'D:\a\4\Nuget\..\..\_Packages'.
https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json: Package 'Microsoft.PrivacyServices.CommandFeed.Client.1.1.18087.3' is not found on source 'https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json'.
https://microsoft.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/MEE.Privacy/nuget/v3/index.json: Unable to load the service index for source https://microsoft.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/MEE.Privacy/nuget/v3/index.json.
Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized).


Any ideas on what we could be missing?

It works fine for me with these steps. Does that user (PAT creator) have the permission to access that feed? Try again with a new personal access token? Can you share the detail log on the OneDrive? (Set system.debug variable to true, then queue build and share this log)starian chen-MSFT
Yes, that user has permission to access the feed. I recreated the token and re-ran the build and still same results. I will send you the logs with debugging info enabled.mscommunities
Try to call nuget install [package] -source Privacy command manually, then specify customtoken as username and that pat as password, then check the result. (Remove related credential in packageSourceCredentials of C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\NuGet\nuget.config file.starian chen-MSFT
How can I run the nuget command manually, do I use 'custom' for the command type? Also, how do I remove the packageSourceCrendentials from that nuget.config file during the build process? Did you receive the logs I sent?mscommunities
Just download the nuget.exe, then call nuget.exe install [package] -source Privacy in command prompt of local machine.starian chen-MSFT

1 Answers


It turns out our personal access token was not setup properly. When creating the token, we weren't choosing the correct account. To fix our issues, we created a new token using 'All accessible [Microsoft] accounts' instead of 'myuser1'.

Image of personal access token creation