My objective is to add columns to an existing DataFrame and populate the columns using transformations from existing columns in the DF.
All of the examples I find use withColumn to add the column and when().otherwise() for the transformations.
I desire to use a defined function(x:String) with match case which allows me to use string functions and apply more complex transformations.
Sample DataFrame
val etldf = Seq(
("Total, 20 to 24 years "),
("Men, 20 to 24 years "),
("Women, 20 to 24 years ")).toDF("A")
Applying a simple transformation using when().otherwise(). I can nest a bunch of these together but soon it will get messy.
val newcol = when($"A".contains("Men"), "Male").
otherwise(when($"A".contains("Women"), "Female").
val newdf = etldf.withColumn("NewCol", newcol)"A","NewCol").show(100, false)
The output as follows:
|A |NewCol|
|Total, 20 to 24 years |Both |
|Men, 20 to 24 years |Male |
|Women, 20 to 24 years |Female|
But lets say I wanted a slightly more complex transformation:
val newcol = when($"A".contains("Total") && $"A".contains("years"), $"A".indexOf("to").toString())
It doesn't like this because indexOf is a String function and not a member of ColumnName.
What I really want to do is define a function that can implement very complex transformations and pass that to withColumn():
def AtoNewCol( A : String): String = A match {
case a if a.contains("Men") => "Male"
case a if a.contains("Women") => "Female"
case a if a.contains("Total") && a.contains("years") => a.indexOf("to").toString()
case other => "Both"
AtoNewCol("Total, 20 to 24 years ")
The output results in a value of 10 (the position of "to")
But I am faced the same type mismatch: withColumn() wants a ColumnName object:
scala> val newdf = etldf.withColumn("NewCol", AtoNewCol($"A"))
<console>:33: error: type mismatch;
found : org.apache.spark.sql.ColumnName
required: String
val newdf = etldf.withColumn("NewCol", AtoNewCol($"A"))
If I change the signature of AtoNewCol(A: org.apache.spark.sql.ColumnName) I get the same problem in the implementation:
scala> def AtoNewCol( A : org.apache.spark.sql.ColumnName): String = A
match {
| case a if a.contains("Men") => "Male"
| case a if a.contains("Women") => "Female"
| case a if a.contains("Total") && a.contains("years") => a.indexOf("to").toString()
| case other => "Both"
| }
<console>:30: error: type mismatch;
found : org.apache.spark.sql.Column
required: Boolean
case a if a.contains("Men") => "Male"
I am hoping that there is a syntax that allows binding the value of the column to the function.
Or maybe there is a function other than withColum() that enables defining more complex functions for the transformations.
Open to all suggestions.