
Can anyone please help on Excel VBA coding, I want to change the colors of cells when the values are changed on single go with copy paste on certain range, say "A1:B10"

I am able to perform for a single cell copy paste as below , but not sure how to perform the same for multiple cells,

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2:K20")) Is Nothing Then
    If oldValue <> Target.Value Then
        Target.Interior.Color = RGB(184, 245, 198)
    End If
End If
your code does do multiple cells. You can add another If Not Intersect for an additional range.... and along the lines of the current answer below you can have Range("B2:K20").Interior.Color = if you want all the cells in the intersect coloured.QHarr
what is oldValue? is this inside some Worksheet_Change() event handler and you want to monitor any actual change? you may want to add some more detailDisplayName

1 Answers


You will need to loop through your Target, like in the code below:

Dim C As Range

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2:K20")) Is Nothing Then
    ' loop through cells in range
    For Each C In Target
        If oldValue <> C.Value Then
            C.Interior.Color = RGB(184, 245, 198)
        End If
    Next C
End If