I am having a problem creating a JOIN (MATCH) relationship. I am using the Neo4j example for the Northwinds graph database load as my learning example.
I have 2 simple CSV files that I successfully loaded via LOAD CSV FROM HEADERS. I then set 2 indexes, one for each entity. My final step is to create the MATCH (JOIN) statement. This is where I am having problems.
After running the script, instead of telling me how many relationships it created, my return message is "(no changes, no records)". Here are my script lines:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'FILE:///TestProducts.csv' AS row
CREATE (p:Product)
SET p = row
Added 113 labels, created 113 nodes, set 339 properties, completed after 309 ms.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'FILE:///TestSuppliers.csv' AS row
CREATE (s:Supplier)
SET s = row
Added 23 labels, created 23 nodes, set 46 properties, completed after 137 ms.
CREATE INDEX ON :Product(productID)
Added 1 index, completed after 20 ms.
CREATE INDEX ON :Supplier(supplierID)
Added 1 index, completed after 2 ms.
MATCH (p:Product),(s:Supplier)
WHERE p.supplierID = s.supplierID
(no changes, no records)
Why? If I run the Northwinds example, with the example files, it works. It says 77 relationships were created. Also is there any way to see database structure? How can I debug this issue? Any help is greatly appreciated.