I'm trying to make a simple test witch is capybara go to page, fill a field based on scenery, and verify if i have some text in page (i know this is a useless test but is just a POC), but cucumber wont find my step for get the example data and looks for a static step. here is the files
Given que eu estou na página
When eu escrever no campo o nome <name>
Then deve ver receber a mensagem "Back"
| name |
| wolo |
| xala |
the step:
When /^eu escrever no campo o nome "(.*?)"$/ do |name|
fill_in "usuario_nome", :with=> name
this is my log:
You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:
When("eu escrever no campo o nome wolo") do
pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
When("eu escrever no campo o nome xala") do
pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions