I have created a GUI in AHK and it works well now. I am processing multiple records and would like to be able to track the place that I am on. My code loops through each record and does some actions before moving on to the next one. While this is happening the GUI window is shown. Also I am writing this in AHK then using the conversion tool and creating an .exe with it. I am developing this tool to be distributed as a stand alone EXE that one can install/save and then run when they want to. Below is a screen shot of the tool and the code to load in the names.
Gui, PasteGUI:Add, Text,, Please add the Names that you want to Process.
Counter := 0
Loop, parse, Clipboard, `n, `r
x%A_Index% := A_LoopField
Loop, %Counter% ; Dynamic List length
Gui PasteGUI:Add, Edit, vButton%A_Index%, % x%A_Index%
Gui PasteGUI:Add, Button, x200 y270 w88 h26 vButton02 gGoCont Default, Continue
Gui PasteGUI:Add, Button, x290 y270 w88 h26 vButton03 gGoQuit, Cancel
Gui, PasteGUI:Show
Loop, %Counter%
MsgBox Done!
Gui Destroy
Gui Destroy
I want to add something so that when I am processing Jason it can be identified. Having an arrow that moves as I loop through the list would be nice. As I have depicted it below,I drew it on in paint. Otherwise if I could turn the past records a color that would work too. So for the below example the names "Chris" & "Ben" would be highlighted in a color or the boxes would be somehow identified as different. I am not sure how to do either so it would be great to learn both if possible. Lastly, whatever method is described I need to be able to convert it to an .exe with Ahk2Exe and then be able to run the .exe and not have a need to have any further files or other references in the program that would not work. This is interned to be run on a standard Windows computer so if there are some default images that can be accessed that might be useful too.