We have MATLAB mat files whose size is around 12 GB each.
These mat files are MATLAB tables. We only want to read some rows in the table, however we have to endure with loading times of about 10 minutes for a 12 GB mat file. Since we only want to read some rows in the file is it possible to do that without having to load it to MATLAB.
The matfile command will load the full file into memory:
thus taking the same time to lad as the load command itself.
What, apparently matfile is good is to save individual variables rapidly in the my_big_fat-file using:
m = matfile('my_big_fat_file.mat','Writable',true);
My problem is loading the whole file to read only a couple of variables.
On the other hand the MATLAB datastore command seems to be designed to handle data in csv or image format.
many thanks