I'm designing a script that takes an object (jsonData[data]
) and inputs its values into a different sheet based on which product it is.
Currently the script inputs all the data into a new row each time the form reaches a new stage, however the form goes through 4 stages of approval and so I'm finding each submission being entered into 4 different rows. Each submission has an "Id" value within the object which remains the same (but each submission could also be on any row in the sheet as it's used a lot).
I'm checking whether the ID exists in the sheet and using iteration to find the row number:
function updatePlatformBulkInfo(jsonData) {
var sheetUrl = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13U9r9Lu2Fq1WTT8pQ128heCm6_gMmH1R4O6u8e7kvBo/edit#gid=0";
var sheetName = "PlatformBulkSetup";
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sheetUrl);
var sheet = doc.getSheetByName(sheetName);
var rowList = [];
var formId = jsonData["Id"];
var allSheetData = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
setLog("AllSheetData = " + allSheetData[1][11]) //Logs to ensure data is collected correctly
var rowEdited = false;
var rowNumber = 0;
//Check whether ID exists in the sheet
for (var i = 0; i < allSheetData.length; i++) {
if(allSheetData[i][11] == formId) {
rowEdited = true;
} else {
rowNumber += 1;
My issue is with the next part:
//Append row if ID isn't duplicate or update row if duplicate found
if (rowEdited == false) {
for (var data in jsonData) {
setLog("***Row List = " + rowList + " ***");
setLog("***Current Row Number = " + rowNumber + " ***");
} else if(rowEdited == true){
var newRowValue = jsonData[data];
sheet.getRange(rowNumber, 1).setValues(newRowValue);
Everything works fine if the duplicate isn't found (the objects values are appended to the sheet). But if a duplicate is found I'm getting the error:
Cannot find method setValues(string)
This looks to me like i'm passing a string instead of an object, but as far as I'm aware I've already converted the JSON string into an object:
var jsonString = e.postData.getDataAsString();
var jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonString);
How can I modify my script to write the updated data to the matched row?
console.log(sheet.getRange(rowNumber, 1))
? – NopesetValues
takes anObject[][]
that will tile in the bound range. i.e an array of arrays. – tehhowchRange#setValue()
and notRange#setValues()
– tehhowch