I think I am stuck on the error of the Terraform configuration for AWS RDS Aurora. I am following https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/r/db_instance.html but I still got error on Error creating DB Instance: InvalidParameterCombination: Standalone DB Instances are not supported for the specified engine
My question is what is the recommended way to create the terraform configuration from scratch?
This is my terraform config file
resource "aws_db_instance" "test" {
identifier = "test"
allocated_storage = 1
storage_type = "aurora"
engine = "aurora"
engine_version = "5.6.10a"
instance_class = "db.t2.small"
name = "testdb"
username = "testadmin"
password = "xxxxx"
port = 3306
publicly_accessible = false
availability_zone = "us-east-2a"
security_group_names = []
vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-xxxxx"]
db_subnet_group_name = "default-vpc-xxxxx"
parameter_group_name = "default.aurora5.6"
multi_az = false
backup_retention_period = 1
#backup_window = "08:48-09:18"
#maintenance_window = "sun:08:56-sun:09:26"
final_snapshot_identifier = "test-final"