
Hy I'm creating a simple dropdown using bootstrap-vue in vuejs. The Code in my component is like this :

<b-col sm="2">
   <b-dropdown :text="selectedItem" v-model="selectedItem">
       <b-dropdown-item>Another action</b-dropdown-item>
       <b-dropdown-item>Something else here</b-dropdown-item>
data () {
 return {
   selectedItem: ''

The problem is I can't select any item from dropdown item. Is there something that I missed here ? Thanks in advance

Reference : https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/docs/components/dropdown


2 Answers


This is a dropdown for navigation, not a select elem for forms. It does not support v-model and does not act like a form input.

You could use select instead, or if you still want to use dropdown as a form select, you could add click handler to control it.

For e.g.

<b-dropdown :text="selectedItem">
        <b-dropdown-item @click="selectedItem='Action'">Action</b-dropdown-item>
        <b-dropdown-item @click="selectedItem='Another action'">Another action</b-dropdown-item>
        <b-dropdown-item @click="selectedItem='Something else here'">Something else here</b-dropdown-item>



I don't think a b-dropdown does what you think it does.

Bootstrap dropdowns are like menus. They don't have v-models.

What you seem to be needing is a Form Select instead:

<b-col sm="2">
    <b-form-select v-model="selectedItem">
        <option value="Action">Action</option>
        <option value="Another action">Another action</option>
        <option value="Something else here">Something else here</option>
    <div>selectedItem: <strong>{{ selectedItem }}</strong></div>
data () {
 return {
   selectedItem: ''