I am working on a function that will generate polynomial interpolants for a given set of ordered pairs. You currently input the indexes of the node points in one vector, and the values of the function to be interpolated in a second vector. I then generate a symbolic expression for the Lagrange polynomial that interpolates that set of points. I would like to be able to go from this symbolic form to a vector form for comparison with test functions and such. That is, I have something that generates some polynomial P(x) in terms of some symbolic variable x. I would like to then sample this polynomial to a vector, and get values for the polynomial over (for example) linspace(-1,1,1000). If this is possible, how do I do it?
I guess I'll include the code that I have so far:
function l_poly = lpoly(x,f)
% Returns the polynomial interpolant as computed by lagrange's formula
syms a
l_poly_vec = 1;
for k=1:n,
for l=1:n,
if (k ~= l)
l_poly_vec = 1;
I plan on adding a third (or possibly fourth) input depending on how I can solve this issue. I'm guessing I would just need the length of the vector I want to sample to and the endpoints.