
I wrote a clojurescript project. It is a reagent component. This is a continuation of my previous question: How to use common dependencies in different clojurescript projects?

I require my cljs project (project A) from another project (project B) through the :dependencies in a project.clj file. I work at the project B and require the reagent component from the project A. Then when I compile the project B to .jar I get the reagent component working correct, all styles are included. But when I compile cljs files to js project A styles are not included.

My question is how can I compile my cljs project B to js files and save styles and other static files from project A? I use a lein-cljsbuild plugin


1 Answers


A similar situation takes place with the re-com library: https://github.com/Day8/re-com#using-re-com

They advice just place css and other asset files to a folder manually, then include it from the index.html