I could really use some help here, I have spent nearly three days on this.
Within my Node application I have an API call that uses https call to an external API to return a PDF which looks like the below code. (I understand I could call the external API from the frontend Angular code, however corporate rules prevent me from doing so)
1 0 obj
/Author (XXXX)
/CreationDate (XXX)
/ModDate (XXXX)
/Creator (EXXXX)
/Title (XXXX)
/Producer (XXXX)
/Subject (XXXX)
7 0 obj
<</Length 5273 /Filter /FlateDecode >>
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.....(ALOT MORE)
var options = {
host: config.fake.host,
path: config.fake.apiUrl + pdfId,
method: 'GET',
rejectUnauthorized: false,
headers: config.fake.headers
api.getCall(options, function (status, response) {
Node then returns the PDF (in plain/text), which I am able to view the pdf data with the Chrome devtools. This is where im getting lost. I am trying convert the pdf data into a blob and then open the pdf in a new tab but when the new tab opens I get a dialog saying "Failed to load PDF document." The Angular code works if I hardcode a test pdf file and return it to the frontend, it does exactly what I need it too.
this._http.get(url, {responseType: 'blob'}).subscribe( data => {
var file = new Blob([data], {type: 'application/pdf'});
var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
Unfortunately, I have exhausted all the google resources I could find and have tried alot more than just the above. I'd appreciate any input I could get on this. Thanks!
? It might resolve the issue. – Behrooz