
I have a tableview in my iOS project that uses an image as background. The image does not scroll, it is static. Because of that I also have transparent cells and section headers.
Now my question is how can I make the (transparent) cells to "hide" or "disappear" behind the (also transparent) section header?
Is it possible?


Would you be okay with switching the tableview to a grouped tableview? So that the header scrolls up with the cells instead of them layering on top of each other? Because that would technically resolve this issueKayla Galway
Yeah but lets keep it a last resort :) Thanks for the answear thoughPaweł Zgoda-Ferchmin
This looks like it has some good ideas: stackoverflow.com/questions/12127138/…ghostatron
You need to apply mask for all cells that located under header view. Use on scrollViewDidScroll Tutorial: medium.com/@peteliev/layer-masking-for-beginners-c18a0a10743panychyk.dima

1 Answers


On your custom cell

public func maskCell(fromTop margin: CGFloat) {
    layer.mask = visibilityMask(withLocation: margin / frame.size.height)
    layer.masksToBounds = true

private func visibilityMask(withLocation location: CGFloat) -> CAGradientLayer {
    let mask = CAGradientLayer()
    mask.frame = bounds
    mask.colors = [UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0).cgColor, UIColor.white.cgColor]
    let num = location as NSNumber
    mask.locations = [num, num]
    return mask

and on you ViewController UIScrollViewDelegate

func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
     for cell in self.lessonsTableView.visibleCells {
         let paddingToDisapear = CGFloat(25)

         let hiddenFrameHeight = scrollView.contentOffset.y + paddingToDisapear - cell.frame.origin.y
         if (hiddenFrameHeight >= 0 || hiddenFrameHeight <= cell.frame.size.height) {
             if let customCell = cell as? LessonTableViewCell {
                 customCell.maskCell(fromTop: hiddenFrameHeight)
