
I have a database schema like this:

  • Posts
    • unverified
      • post_1
      • post_2 ...

And here is a shortened list of data in /posts/unverified path

  "-L7xmY2HMeEImDZnZqTf" : {
    "categorie" : 0,
    "commonFields" : {...},
    "fbKey" : "-L7YM7vEf8RpcxGUTpDE",
    "images" : [...],
    "specialFields" : {
      "area" : "150",
      "productPrice" : {
        "currency" : "dollar",
        "value" : "65000"
      "requestType" : "sell",
      "requesterType" : "personal",
      "roomCount" : 3,
      "suburbia" : "false"
    "subCat" : 0,
    "timestamp" : 1521011840178,
    "uid" : "Fo5f6VonWgQVpsf6u80TPgoi2it2"
  "-L7YNUZPL1-Dl7EhScEE" : {...},
  "-L7YNUZPL1-fdfasfa" : {...},
  "-L7YNUZPL1-ljljklfd" : {...},
  "-L7YNUZPL1-lkjlkjfas" : {...},

And a firebase security rules defined as below

  "rules": {
    "posts": {
      "unverified": {
        ".indexOn": "timestamp",
        ".read": "data.child('uid').val() === auth.uid"

As the rules show, I want to read unverified posts if the users id equal to the uid field in the post data

But every time i use the rules simulator ( or test the with the codes ) with the below configuration, its' giving Simulated read denied error

enter image description here

Thanks for your helps

Please edit your post to show the actual JSON (as text, no screenshot) at /posts/unverified. You can get this by clicking the "Export JSON" link in your Firebase Database console.Frank van Puffelen
I just updated the post Frank..Fakhruddin Abdi
That post does not have a uid property with the UID you're testing with. That would indeed make the simulator fail.Frank van Puffelen
It does have a uid exactly with UID im testing with. Its why im asking here. The post im testing has a key -L7xmY2HMeEImDZnZqTf and that post has uid property Fo5f6VonWgQVpsf6u80TPgoi2it2 .. And i test posts/unverified/-L7xmY2HMeEImDZnZqTf path with Fo5f6VonWgQVpsf6u80TPgoi2it2 uidFakhruddin Abdi
Ah wait, I see it now. You're missing a level in your rules. I'll write an example in an answer.Frank van Puffelen

1 Answers


Your .read rule is defined on /posts/unverified and checks a child called uid. So the total path is /posts/unverified/uid.

You're trying to read /posts/unverified/-L7xmY2HMeEImDZnZqTf. And the UID value is defined on /posts/unverified/-L7xmY2HMeEImDZnZqTf/uid.

The two paths don't match. You need to add a wildcard in your rules:

  "rules": {
    "posts": {
      "unverified": {
        ".indexOn": "timestamp",
        "$postid": {
          ".read": "data.child('uid').val() === auth.uid"