
When using markdown with doxygen, the documentation generates fine. However, I have one problem, which is that my documentation generates a related pages tab which is empty. For example, here is my main page:

# Project Name


This documentation is divided into the following sections:
- \subpage page_one
- \subpage page_two

And here is a sample subpage:

# Page One {#page_one}


When I generate my documentation, I get the expected tree structure. However, when I click Related Pages, this is what I get:

enter image description here

Obviously, I have no benefit from an empty related pages tab. Thus, is there any way to get rid of this empty tab? If so, how should I change my Doxyfile?


1 Answers


You have defined the top page as USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE and all other pages are direct or indirect sub-pages of this page.

The display of the Related Pages is steered by means of the DoxygenLayout.xml (can be generated by means of doxygen -l, see also LAYOUT_FILE) and in here there is an item pages, when setting this item to no the Related Pages tab is not generated.