
I followed this tutorial to add a custom domain on my Azure Website https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-web-tutorial-custom-domain#cname and I can navigate successfully to root domain, my problem is that I want to add a subdomain (www) but at least step I receive next notification:

Error on Azure

the error is clear that I need to add the CNAME record to point to azure website, the major problem is already added on cloudflare:

Configuration on Azure

I have something wrong with my configuration?

how long ago was that? it usually takes anywhere between 5 minutes to a couple of hours to propagate4c74356b41
more than a week jajaCami Rodriguez
well, try using a txt record to verify it or try fixing you typos4c74356b41
'the major problem is already added on cloudflare' I dont understand this sentenceJay
@Jay The major problem indicated by 1st picture is the lack of CNAME card, however, the card have been created in cloudflare, which is Cami's DNS provider.Jerry Liu

2 Answers


I found the solution, is only disable for a moment the orange cloud > verify ownership on Azure > et voilà!, subdomain is verified.


You only need two CNAMEs:

  1. awverify pointing to awverify.thename.azurewebsites.net
  2. www pointing to thename.thename.azurewebsites.net

enter image description here