I have two data tables like below
library(data.table) library(lubridate)
start_time=c("2017-11-01 08:37:35","2017-11-01 09:07:44","2017-11-01 09:46:16","2017-11-01 10:32:29","2017-11-01 10:59:25","2017-11-01 13:24:12"),
id start_time cube
1: 7 2017-11-01 08:37:35 628
2: 7 2017-11-01 09:07:44 625
3: 7 2017-11-01 09:46:16 469
4: 3 2017-11-01 10:32:29 711
5: 3 2017-11-01 10:59:25 376
6: 3 2017-11-01 13:24:12 628
res_time=c("2017-11-01 08:35:30","2017-11-01 09:07:48","2017-11-01 09:46:32","2017-11-01 10:31:29","2017-11-01 10:57:25","2017-11-01 13:22:10"),
id res_time res_cube
1: 7 2017-11-01 08:35:30 309
2: 7 2017-11-01 09:07:48 625
3: 7 2017-11-01 09:46:32 469
4: 3 2017-11-01 10:31:29 712
5: 3 2017-11-01 10:57:25 375
6: 3 2017-11-01 13:22:10 630
From these two I need to join the nearest res_time
for DT1 row and associate all the DT1 rows with appending its most closest res_time
and res_cube
and res_time
as well for each id group. So I tried
DT1 = DT1[,start_time := as.character(start_time)]
DT2 = DT2[,res_time := as.character(res_time)]
DT1 = DT1[,start_time := parse_date_time2(start_time,orders="YmdHMS",tz="NA")]
DT2 = DT2[,res_time := parse_date_time2(res_time,orders="YmdHMS",tz="NA")]
setkeyv(DT1, c("id","start_time"))
setkeyv(DT2, c("id","res_time"))
ans = DT1[DT2, roll=Inf]
But this gave something like this
id start_time cube res_cube
1: 7 2017-11-01 08:35:30 NA 309
2: 7 2017-11-01 09:07:48 NA 625
3: 7 2017-11-01 09:46:32 NA 469
4: 3 2017-11-01 10:31:29 NA 712
5: 3 2017-11-01 10:57:25 NA 375
6: 3 2017-11-01 13:22:10 NA 630
I did not get the res_time
and I think I am doing something wrong in the rolling join.
I also noticed that I am getting res_time in the column of start_time of the joined result.
Any help is appreciated.