In Javascript I can have heterogenous arrays such as:
var ex = ['name', 12, true];
In Vue JS within a single file template I can define props for a component in the <script></script
section by the following:
export default{
props: ['myprop']
or by having the props listed as an object to validate the type
export default{
props: {
myprop: String
Now my question is in vue listing an array of types like myprop: [String,Array]
lists multiple valid types for the property.
My question is how can I validate against the content of the array at the props level?
For instance taking ex in the pattern of string,number,boolean and a count of 3. Is there a way to make any value that comes into the prop be invalid if it's not this form?
So if I got some data in the form of [true, 12, 'name']
it'd be invalid.
But ex would be valid.