I have a single collection with over 200 million documents containing dimensions (things I want to filter on or group by) and metrics (things I want to sum or get averages from). I'm currently running against some performance issues and I'm hoping to gain some advice on how I could optimize/scale MongoDB or suggestions on alternative solutions. I'm running the latest stable MongoDB version using WiredTiger. The documents basically look like the following:
"dimensions": {
"account_id": ObjectId("590889944befcf34204dbef2"),
"url": "https://test.com",
"date": ISODate("2018-03-04T23:00:00.000+0000")
"metrics": {
"cost": 155,
"likes": 200
I have three indexes on this collection, as there are various aggregations being ran on this collection:
- account_id
- date
- account_id and date
The following aggregation query fetches 3 months of data, summing cost and likes and grouping by week/year:
$match: { "dimensions.date": { $gte: new Date(1512082800000), $lte: new Date(1522447200000) } }
$match: { "dimensions.account_id": { $in: [ "590889944befcf34204dbefc", "590889944befcf34204dbf1f", "590889944befcf34204dbf21" ] }}
$group: {
cost: { $sum: "$metrics.cost" },
likes: { $sum: "$metrics.likes" },
_id: {
year: { $year: { date: "$dimensions.date", timezone: "Europe/Amsterdam" } },
week: { $isoWeek: { date: "$dimensions.date", timezone: "Europe/Amsterdam" } }
$project: {
cost: 1,
likes: 1
cursor: {
batchSize: 50
allowDiskUse: true
This query takes about 25-30 seconds to complete and I'm looking to reduce this to at least 5-10 seconds. It's currently a single MongoDB node, no shards or anything. The explain query can be found here: https://pastebin.com/raw/fNnPrZh0 and executionStats here: https://pastebin.com/raw/WA7BNpgA As you can see, MongoDB is using indexes but there are still 1.3 million documents that need to be read. I currently suspect I'm facing some I/O bottlenecks.
Does anyone have an idea how I could improve this aggregation pipeline? Would sharding help at all? Is MonogDB the right tool here?
on the index help? that way it wouldn't need to go back and look up the document for the group – Kevin Smith