
I created a Web App in Azure and 2 virtual Directories inside it. when i deploy my application to Web App Virtual directory, it throws 404 for JQuery libraries. Lets say for downloading inline.bundle.js it access this URL. https://exampleui.ase01.p.azurewebsites.net/inline.bundle.js

But since i have deployed my application in virtual directory my WebApp the scripts are present in that particular directory. Lets say name of my virtual Directory is dev, so the scripts are present in: https://exampleui.ase01.p.azurewebsites.net/dev/inline.bundle.js


1 Answers


It's better to use relative paths which just have the path relative to the HTML file.

<script src="path/to/inline.bundle.js"></script>

Note that you shouldn't put / at the beginning of the js path.