
I'm currently trying to get counts of observations that meet multiple criteria using dplyr, and group by city. For example:

datacount.by.city <- data %>% 
group_by(city) %>% 
filter(cond1 == TRUE | cond2 == TRUE) %>% 

I'm appending this condition to existing dataframe with a greater number of cities than is contained in these data. Is there a way to group_by(city) in this code while adding NA values for cities that are in my main dataframe but not in the data that I'm working on, so I can easily cbind to it and have the right number of columns in the right place?

Please make this more reproducible by including example input data and the expected output.neilfws
dplyr's bind_rows() and bind_cols() don't need your data to be orderedElio Diaz
City Cond1 Cond2 City1 TRUE FALSE City2 TRUE FALSE City2 FALSE TRUE City1 FALSE TRUE Turns to City count City1 2 City2 2 City3 0Conor
Possible duplicate of left_join(x,y) and NAtjebo
Please have a thorough look at left_join. I personally really like the rstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/…tjebo

1 Answers


If your full dataset were df for instance:

data <- df %>%

datacount.by.city <- data %>% 
   ddply(.(city),summarize,count=sum(cond1 == TRUE | cond2 == TRUE)) %>%


     city count cond1 cond2
1    A     1  TRUE  TRUE
2    B    NA  TRUE  TRUE
3    C    NA  TRUE  TRUE