
It is my first using rabbitmq,I download erlang 9.3 and rabbitmq 3.7.4,and also configure my path with erl and rabbitmq,It seems well as I enter commend line and use rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management,but when i use rabbitmqctl start_app,it occur to an argument error,like this:

Starting node rabbit@DESKTOP-0T1B7S8 ... ** (ArgumentError) argument error (stdlib) io_lib.erl:170: :io_lib.format(' * effective user\'s home directory: ~s~n', [[67, 58, 92, 85, 115, 101, 114, 115, 92, 19975, 23480, 26827]]) src/rabbit_misc.erl:670: :rabbit_misc."-format_many/1-lc$^0/1-0-"/1 src/rabbit_misc.erl:670: :rabbit_misc."-format_many/1-lc$^0/1-0-"/1 src/rabbit_misc.erl:670: :rabbit_misc.format_many/1 (rabbitmqctl) lib/rabbitmqctl.ex:349: RabbitMQCtl.get_node_diagnostics/1 (rabbitmqctl) lib/rabbitmqctl.ex:307: RabbitMQCtl.format_error/3 (rabbitmqctl) lib/rabbitmqctl.ex:43: RabbitMQCtl.main/1 (elixir) lib/kernel/cli.ex:76: anonymous fn/3 in Kernel.CLI.exec_fun/2

I use win10 and my path is erl: D:\RabbitMQ\erl9.3\bin

rabbitmq: D:\RabbitMQ\rabbitMQ\rabbitmq_server-3.7.4\sbin

Actually,my computer's username used to be chinese and now I change it to english,it also doesn't work.Now I think my path hasn't non-ASCII charactor.

I have no idea with this problem,can anyone help me? Thanks!

What operating system are you using? What is the value of your home directory? It appears that the name of your home directory may have non-ASCII characters in it - see 19975, 23480 and 26827 in the output.Luke Bakken

2 Answers


You can see your 'C:\Users\username' is not English . change it to English.


My computer 'username' is Chinese, so we need stop RebbitMQ service, then execute the following 3 statements:

rabbitmq-service.bat remove
set RABBITMQ_BASE=D:\install3\rabbitmq\rabbitmq_server-3.7.8\data
rabbitmq-service.bat install

RABBITMQ_BASE is my storage path of db and log, now it works very well.