
I added dotnet task (.Net Core) to do a nuget push. In the Nuget server section it asked me to use create a new Nuget Connection. I went with the API Key option and game in connection name,Feed URL, and API Key.

when I run this step I get the following error

Error: DotNetCore currently does not support using an encrypted Api Key.

is this a limitation or am i doing something wrong?

Please note from my desktop I am about to create package and push the package using apikey.

Do you use private build agent? Is it your desktop machine? What's the version of dotnet core?starian chen-MSFT
I have tried it on both 'Hosted VS2017' and also in the private build agent the same error. I am using .net core 2kumar
Try to call dotnet nuget push command through Command Line task and check the result.starian chen-MSFT
I have tried dotnet nuget push from command line from my desktop and it works.kumar
Try to do it through Command Line task (Add Command Line task to build definition).starian chen-MSFT

2 Answers


Pushing package to NuGet server through Command Line task by calling dotnet nuget push command to deal with this issue.


I faced this issue and found a alternative way for this.

Instead of using dotnet nuget push use nuget push.

Azure build pipeline