Should we use the forms generated by camunda and the tasklist and admin screens by camunda or we should develop custom UI.
If we develop custom UI, benefits are we will get screen layout similar to our other enterprise applications. Also, we will at times integrate the flow in our existing systems Eg: HR can login in enterprise HRM application and shortlist applications instead of login in camunda and do shortlisting.
However, demerit of developing custom UI is that, if i change the process flow in diagram to add one new user task, i will also have to modify the custom UI application .
Advantage of using Camunda forms and UI is that, any process modelling change is immediately implemented. However disadvantage is that screen layout becomes different from other enterprise applications. Also all users will have to login in camunda to do their tasks.
What are the best practices followed in BPMN space in regards to UI. Is it advisable to develop custom UI or is it advisable to use forms and screens created by camunda?
This question may apply to any other BPMN opensource alternative for camunda also.