Actually my app have 2 themes (pink and blue), handled by ResourceDictionary in App.xaml
Switching a switch in settings page change programmatically the values of the ResourceDictionary and the elements change as wanted (background, text colors etc). It's maybe not the prettiest way but it works..
But i have a problem to change background colors of the Tabbar in android.
The color value of it is set in the Android project (colorPrimary from styles.xml and Tabbar.axml).
But i can't find
- How to change or access this value from my PCL project.
- Or how to change, in Android project, the value of that colorPrimary each time the settings switch value is changed.
- Or also, the best solution, make the tabbar transparent and make it
overlap the current background (if i set
it just become white now)
The tabbed page code is as been created by Xamarin forms project.
public MainPage()
Page centerPage, rightPage, leftPage;
string TitleCenter = "S'exercer";
string TitleLeft = "Comprendre";
string TitleRight = "Aller plus loin";
switch (Device.RuntimePlatform)
case Device.iOS:
centerPage = new NavigationPage(new Center_Main())
Title = TitleCenter
rightPage = new NavigationPage(new Right_Main())
Title = TitleRight
leftPage = new NavigationPage(new Left_Main())
Title = TitleLeft
centerPage.Icon = "tab_feed.png";
rightPage.Icon = "tab_about.png";
leftPage.Icon = "offline_logo.png";
centerPage = new Center_Main()
Title = TitleCenter
// Nothing tab related here
rightPage = new Right_Main()
Title = TitleRight
leftPage = new Left_Main()
Title = TitleLeft