The problem I'm running into is that I'm hitting a certain quota when processing my spread sheets. I process a bunch of spreadsheets each day and when I added in a new system that sends my google script more spreadsheets to process, I get the error:
Limit Exceeded DriveApp
The line that it ends on is always orderedCsv.getBlob().getDataAsString()
; where orderedCsv is the current spreadsheet.
My questions are 1. Which quota could i be hitting? 2. How can I check my current quota usage?
I think it could be Properties read/write over exceeding since I import the original data which could be anywhere from 3000-9000 lines of data.
The error transcript it gives me is:
function ps_csvsToSheet ( currSheet, sheetCsvs, csvDict, sheetN, sheetOrderIndex){
// import csvs into the sheet with formatting
var row = 39;
var orderedCsv;
// loop for importing CSVs into one sheet in the order we want~~~~~~
for (var i = 0; i < ps_statOrdering.length; i++) {
// loop through all the sheets stored in a dictionary we created before
for (var j = 0; j < sheetCsvs.length; j++) {
var sheetName = sheetCsvs[j].getName();
// additional test to ensure Draw chart and not DrawCall
if ( ps_statOrdering[i] == 'Draw') {
if ( sheetName.indexOf(ps_statOrdering[i]) !== -1 && sheetName.indexOf('DrawCalls') == -1) {
orderedCsv = sheetCsvs[j];
} else if ( sheetName.indexOf(ps_statOrdering[i]) !== -1) {
orderedCsv = sheetCsvs[j];
// import the csvs for spreadsheet
var strData = orderedCsv.getBlob().getDataAsString(); //**********[Line it ends on]***********
var importedData = lib_importCSV(row+1, 1, strData, currSheet);
catch(error) {
Logger.log("Catch Error : " + error);
// make formatting [][] for the importedData. Here we are working off
// of pre-knowledge of what is expected
var nRows = importedData['rows'];
var nCols = importedData['cols'];
var c;
var weightArr = new Array(nRows);
var numFormatArr = new Array(nRows);
for (var r = 0; r < nRows; r++) {
weightArr[r] = new Array(nCols);
numFormatArr[r] = new Array(nCols);
if (r == 0) {
c = nCols;
while(c--) {
weightArr[r][c] = "bold";
numFormatArr[r][c] = '';
} else {
c = nCols;
while(c--) {
weightArr[r][c] = "normal";
numFormatArr[r][c] = '0.00';
weightArr[r][0] = "bold";
numFormatArr[r][0] = '';
if( sheetOrderIndex !== -1) {
numFormatArr[r][0] = 'MMM.dd';
//Create the header of the sheet
lib_inputSheetHeader(currSheet, row, nCols, (sheetN + " " + ps_statOrdering[i]
+ " Averages"), ps_profileColors[0]) ;
// insert appropriate graph
var key = ps_statOrdering[i];
if( sheetOrderIndex !== -1) {
// this is a setting trend sheet, line chart
lib_makeLineChart(importedData['range'], ps_statLocDict[key][0], ps_statLocDict[key][1],
(sheetN + " " + ps_statOrdering[i] ), currSheet,
ps_statVRange[key][0], ps_statVRange[key][1], ps_statAxisDict[key]);
} else {
// this is a map sheet, bar chart
// debugPrint(importedData['range'].getValues().toString());
lib_makeBarChart(importedData['range'], ps_statLocDict[key][0], ps_statLocDict[key][1],
(sheetN + " " + ps_statOrdering[i] ), currSheet,
ps_statVRange[key][0], ps_statVRange[key][1], ps_statAxisDict[key]);
row += importedData['rows'] +2;
} // for loop close, import csv ~~~~