
So, this is my first time setting up a simple website and I decided to purchase a domain on Google Domains and I plan on hosting it on the AWS Free Tier plan. The domain was purchased last week. So, I am cannot transfer because the domain name is within 60 days of initial registration.

The goal is to create a simple landing page which uses a PHP script to generate a simple mailing list.

I have read this link 2-3 times already and followed all the steps: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/website-hosting-custom-domain-walkthrough.html

I want to keep all my G Suite features but I cannot because the guide asks me to copy AWS nameservers in my hosted zone to the DNS settings on Google Domains. This results in this.

I want to stick to AWS and not move to another hosting service, for certain reasons. Please guide me in the right direction. Thank you.


2 Answers


So I was able to fix this after I studied a bit and posted it on Reddit and got the answer.

Because we are working with subdomains, I made an S3 bucket with the subdomain name. I made the files public and generated the standard policy. Took the S3 bucket endpoint, and then went back to Google Domain's DNS settings.

I didn't need Route 53 in the first place. All I did was create a CNAME record with the subdomain and set TTL to 1 minute and the S3 endpoint as the data. And BOOM! It worked.

I believe when I move on to create more dynamic websites, I have to expand my search and learn more.

Thank you for everyone's help.


You can keep using Google Nameservers, along with hosting your website on you AWS Server (whatever the service you are using, like EC2, beanstalk).

Suppose if you are using an EC2 instance to host your server, make a note of its Public IP (I'd recommend using elastic IP). Now go to your google domain record set and create an A record with the IP of your EC2 instance. refer https://support.google.com/a/answer/2579934?hl=en for details.

Using route53 is optional. It just helps you to store resource records. If you can create them somewhere else, Route53 is not required.