
I created a new folder Test. run command: git init then I setUp global configuration - mail and name then I added:

git remote add origin https://bvcdata.visualstudio.com/_git/MyRepo
git push -u origin --all

and immediately get error:

remote: TF401019: The Git repository with name or identifier sdsdsd does not exist or you do not have permissions for the operation you are attempting. fatal: repository 'https://xxxxxx.visualstudio.com/_git/MyRepo/' not found

I am the owner of the project on VSTS, so I have all privilegies. It all was working till now. Thanks for feedback.

Please check (or ask the VSTS admin to check) if you have permission to contribute to the git repo.Marina Liu
Has you problem has been solved yet?Marina Liu
@MarinaLiu-MSFT Yes, for some reason git posh dont have a possibility to change logged user through console (powershell for example)Stefan0309
Hi, I'm experiencing the same problem. Can you tell us how to fix this issue in more details please?Csaba

4 Answers



  • Delete the %LocalAppData%\GitCredentialManager\tenant.cache file on your machine
  • If that's not enough, run git credential-manager clear <repo url>

This error message came up for me when the repository credentials Git had cached became stale.

Diagnostic stages for me were:

  1. Do I have access to the repository? Check this by browsing to the Code part of your VSTS repository. enter image description here
  2. If I think I've cleared the Git credential cache (which I first did by just deleting the tenant.cache file), am I prompted for credentials when doing a command-line git fetch?

I meet the same problem in Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS and I fixed it by following steps:

  1. empty the old .git-credentials file. my path is ~/.git-credentials.
  2. execute git config --global credential.helper store.
  3. execute git clone <your git url> it will ask your username and password.
  4. success

For me, the issue was in using the organization account. I removed the organization qualifier and cloned the repository by my username after generating custom credentials from the provided option on devops.

The remote URL was changed from::





And it worked for me!


I had this trouble and to repair it, i have removed some generic credentials into : Control Panel -> identification manager -> generic credential

in french version : panneau de configuration -> gestionnaire d'identification -> informations d'identification windows

The trouble come from my git mail connexion have been moved to another and windows store it and use last every time it.