
I defined Xvfb installation on Jenkins according to these instructions: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Xvfb+Plugin.

Access Manage Jenkins >> Global Tool Configuration. In Section Xvfb installation, put name and fill the field Directory in which to find Xvfb executable with /usr/bin.

But this error appears:

Home path does not contain Xfvb executable: /usr/bin and build fails with following error: No Xvfb installations defined, please define one in the configuration. Once defined you’ll need to choose one under Advanced options for Xvfb plugin job settings and save job configuration.

I have Xvfb plugin version 1.1.3

How can I solve this problem?


1 Answers


Even I faced the same issue while setting up the jenkins Manually I had to set the path like below

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/bin/Xvfb"

And then adding /usr/bin in Global Tool Configuration under "Directory in which to find Xvfb executable " solved the issue. Hope this helps.