I try to move an NSCollectionViewItem
within the same NSCollectionView
to allow reordering of the items. The collection view item is a custom item representing multiple labels with strings from a custom object Parameter
class Parameter: NSObject {
var parameterName: String
var parameterNominal: Double
var parameterUpperTolerance: Double
var parameterLowerTolerance: Double
var parameterDistribution: String
var parameterNotes: String
var parameterDataArray: [Double]
// MARK: - Initialization Methods
Now, do I have to write the whole item/object into the 'NSPasteboard' to use drag and drop within the NSCollectionView
Most of the drag 'n drop examples works with writing strings to pasteboard using ....register(forDraggedTypes: [NSPasteboardTypeString])
I currently write one of the items string into the pasteboard and the drag 'n drop starts fine:
func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, pasteboardWriterForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> NSPasteboardWriting? {
let pb = NSPasteboardItem()
pb.setString(ParameterList.sharedInstance.parameters[indexPath.item].parameterName, forType: NSPasteboardTypeString)
return pb
... but it looks strange to write only part of the object to pasteboard when moving of the complete object is requested, right?
How can I actually write my parameter object to the pasteboard (if needed)?
What is happening behind the scene with the data in the pasteboard when using drag and drop?
Thanks a lot!