I've got a CSV file with a list of names in a "name" column. In a second CSV I have a list of names in a "name" column, and also their employee IDs in an "employeeid" column.
My desired output is this: take the "name" column in CSV1, compare it to the "name" column in CSV2, and wherever there's a match, take the name from the "name" column of CSV1 and the matching employee ID in CSV2, and create a new CSV3 with a "name" column and corresponding "employeeid" column.
Here is an image describing my question
I've started playing with import-csv to pull each CSV in as a variable, and also tinkered with piping that with select headers, but I don't understand the logic necessary to take username column matches between CSV1 and CSV2 and then combine that with employeeID from CSV2.
Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.
-- Updated 3/19
$csv1 = import-csv -Path "C:\csv1.csv" | select-object -ExpandProperty 'accountname' | Sort-Object | where {$_ -ne ""}
$csv2 = import-csv -Path "C:\csv2.csv" | select 'accountname','employeeid'
$accountNamesFromCSV2 = $csv2 | select-object -ExpandProperty accountname
$compareTheTWo = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $csv1 -DifferenceObject $accountNamesFromCSV2 -ExcludeDifferent -IncludeEqual -passThru
operator should be useful here, and I suspect that the only cmdlets needed will beWhere-Object
(and the CSV cmdlets). – Jeff Zeitlin