
I created a GTM tag / trigger for form submit as follows:


  • Track Type: Event
  • Category: FormSubmissions
  • Action: Submit
  • Label: AskForAQuote



  • Trigger Type: Form Submission
  • Wait for Tags: true
  • Check Validation: true
  • Enable this trigger when: Page URL == X
  • This trigger fires on: Page URL == X

I then setup a goal to treat a conversion to occur when I receive:

Goal Details: Category == FormSubmissions, Action == Submit, Label == AskForAQuote

So it is working and I do see goals converting when I submit the form, but I was curious about something:

When I enter preview mode (which pulls up the special preview GTM pane where you can see the activity) the trigger says it fired. My preconditions are simply that the page url == X as you see above.

Does that just mean the preconditions "fired" in the sense it's valid? Or does it mean it actually tracked a goal. I'd have to assume a basic GTM form SUBMIT trigger fires when the actual html form is SUBMITTED, not when you arrive on a page.

Is this me being paranoid, or is something wrong? Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.


1 Answers


Are you also using the Facebook pixel on your site? I had the same problem and it turns out that the FB pixel code always triggers a gtm.formsubmit call.

Just add: Form URL - does not contain facebook.com/tr in your trigger.