Yes PRISM will help you out here.
A number of things here worth mentioning.
RE: Is Prism right for me?
You can load a Module on Demand. PRISM has the capabilities of loading a module at RunTime, so in your case if you bootup the said solution using Shell and ModuleA. Your user then triggers an event (ie Menu choice) it can then allow you to dynamically load ModuleB and then inject that into play. To be clear though, you really need to sit down and do your homework here as you need to ensure ModuleB doesn't have any of its own dependencies on other modules etc (typically its wise to use an Infrastructure Module. I've used techniques where i have a manifest of modules that i lookup in XML that lists its absolute dependencies and then I make sure they are loaded first, then I load ModuleB).
See Load Modules on Demand via PRISM help docs (Development Activities). Also lookup Prepare a Module for Remote Downloading
RE: Injecting a view at runtime
To inject a View into a Region via Menu is a simple case of accessing the IRegionManager and then adding it. To do this, make sure in your Constructor for the said ViewModel/Presenter/Controller you're using put:
MyConstructor(IRegionManager regionManager, IUnityContainer container)
As with PRISM you can pretty much add any object you want into your construct and PRISM will ensure it arrives there on time and on budget (hehe).
From there its the normal approach you'd take with adding a view... eg:
IMyViewInstance myViewInstance = this.container.Resolve<IMyViewInstance>();
IRegion myRegion = this.regionManager.Regions["YourRegion"];
And all should come together! :)
- Make sure you set a local reference to the container and regionManager at Construct (this.container = container etc).
- If you're not sure where the above namespaces exist, right click on IUnityContainer for example and let Visual Studio RESOLVE it (right click menu)
- Put the Add logic into your Menu Event that or use a central method - whichever blows your hair back :)
Scott Barnes - Rich Platforms Product Manager - Microsoft.