I've been working on a script in Powershell to get paths from a CSV file and move those files at the corresponding path to a new destination elsewhere. often with a different filename.
I am using Version 5.0
For example:
Source Destination : C:\1\2\3\File.pdf, D:\3\7\8\9\FILE1.pdf
Now I used the following script and it was initially able to move some of the files:
Import-CSV "R:\MoveFiles.csv" -Delimiter "," -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object{Move-Item -path $_.Source -Destination $_.Destination}
Although around half way through executing it started to return this error:
Move-Item : Could not find a part of the path. At line:1 char:238 + ... Each-Object{Move-Item -Literalpath $.Source -Destination $.Destina ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (Q:\RECORDS\PRIV...-4-20_N1969.pdf:FileInfo) [Move-Item], DirectoryNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MoveFileInfoItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MoveItemCommand
As far as I can tell there are no special characters that would prevent the path being found. If I replace Move-Item for Copy-Item it returns the same error. I have also checked the paths to see if they are true or not.
I am at my wits end with this. Not sure what else to try. I am after all a complete novice.
Thank you
NB: I worked out a solution to this issue. It would appear that the Move-Item cmdlet does not like creating directories.
Instead I made the directories first with New-Item -directories, getting the content from a text document where every line represented a path (no headers).
After creating empty directories first the original script worked as intended.
For anyone interested here is the directories script:
$name = Get-Content ".\Create_New_Directories\Move_Directories_Test.txt"
Foreach ($_ in $name)
New-Item -Force -verbose -path $_ -Type Directory
Out-File ".\Create_New_Directories\Newoutput.txt"
Thank you everyone for your help.