First of all let me introduce you to my project. I am desining a web application that will show some data about devices scattered around a country. To create this I used Vue.js and HighCharts (HighMaps for the map part). This is the result I have achieved now.
What I want to add now is the possibility for the end-user to click on a marked region and show all of the devices in that region. To do that I need the region's "ID", called code in HighMaps, to send a ajax request to my db and I would also like to make this new "div" a component so that I can use it freely in my application. I'll put a sketch image of what I mean (excuse me for my really bad paint skills :D):
The black lines are not important, what I would like to achieve is to show a new component besides the map (or wherever really). Next is my current code, I am using the one page, one component style so both template and script tags are in the same file and I omitted in the script tag all the unecessary things. Right now I just set up a div with curly brackets to update a variable on change, just to debug more easily. My main problem is that, in the when I try to reference the variable it doesn't set it since the div doesn't update. I think that might be a scope issue but I wouldn't know where to start looking.
<div id="canvasContainer">
<highmaps :options="chartOptions"></highmaps>
import HighCharts from 'vue-highcharts';
import json from '../map.json'
export default {
data: function () {
return {
foo: 'NO',
/* Map */
chartOptions: {
chart: {
map: json, // The map data is taken from the .json file imported above
plotOptions: {
series: {
point: {
events: {
click: function () {'OK'
map: {
joinBy: ['hc-key', 'code'],
allAreas: false,
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '',
pointFormat: '{}: <b>{}</b>'
/* Zoom and move */
mapNavigation: {
enabled: true,
buttonOptions: {
verticalAlign: 'bottom'
series: [
allAreas: true,
showInLegend: false,
borderColor: '#a0451c',
cursor: 'pointer',
name: 'ERROR',
color: "red",
data: ['it-na', 'it-mi', 'it-mo', 'it-ud'].map(function (code) {
return {code: code};
borderColor: '#a09e21',
cursor: 'pointer',
name: 'WARNING',
color: "yellow",
data: ['it-ts', 'it-av', 'it-ri'].map(function (code) {
return {code: code};
borderColor: '#4ea02a',
cursor: 'pointer',
name: "OK",
color: "lightgreen",
data: ['it-pa', 'it-ve', 'it-bo', 'it-ta', 'it-pn'].map(function (code) {
return {code: code};
<style scoped>
align-items: center;
Thanks in advance for the help. Cheers!
I have just tried @icecream_hobbit 's suggestion and using a ECMA6 arrow function helped since now I can access the variable store in Vue but now I lost the access to the local arguments like
which made possibile for me to print the selected region. Any ideas? Am I missing something?
Thanks to @icecream_hobbit I have found a way to do what I wanted. You just need to add an object inside the parenthesis so that you can use this
for the global variable and e
for your mouse click event.
events: {
click: (e) => { = 'OK' =
I try to reference the variable it doesn't set it since the div doesn't update
What div are you talking about? – user8120138<template>
tag, I added a<div>{{foo}}</div>
under the component I wanted to show. This was done for testing purposes, to make clear and easy to see the point that it doesn't update – Eugenioclick: () => { = 'OK'}
– user8120138