TYPO3-Version: 8.7.7
I want to access $this->request->getArguments()
in a Validator for TYPO3 in PHP.
I set a temporary field in fluid with:
<label for="reenter_password" class="reenter_password{rm:hasError(property:'reenter_password',then:' text-danger')}">
Reenter Password*
<f:form.password name="reenter_password" id="reenter_password"/>
If i set property
instead of name
in <f:form.password name="reenter_password" id="reenter_password"/>
i get the following Error:
#1297759968: Exception while property mapping at property path "": Property "reenter_password" was not found in target object of type "RM\RmRegistration\Domain\Model\User".
I don't want to set a Model-Property, because this property should only use for checking with the passwortfield for equality and shouldn't get a TCA or SQL-Table for Storage.
Here is my Action, where i call the Validators:
* Complete New User Registeration
* @param User $newRegisteredUser
* @validate $newRegisteredUser \RM\RmRegistration\Validation\Validator\NewRegisteredUser
* @validate $newRegisteredUser \RM\RmRegistration\Validation\Validator\CompleteProfileUser
public function completeNewRegisteredUserAction(User $newRegisteredUser)
// Store Changes, Update and Persist
In the Validator i can get to the Password-Field with:
But is it possible to get the Value temporary to the UserModel to check it in the Validator like this:
// Compare Entered Passwords
if ($user->getPassword() == $user->getReenteredPassword()) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;