
I'm using Google Cloud EndPoints to access my GRPC server written in GoLang that run in Kuberkules. I was following the tutorial for here. Everythings is working but when i try to the a request i got this error

rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Method does not exist.

The EndPoint does not have the save URL has the one in my proto file , the have the package include in the name. Here is an exemple :

log request

on the last request i change the value of the url in the generated protobuf file, it pass the endpoint but my server dont recognize it ... I got this error instead :

rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service client.WebRoute

protobuf generated code

It was working locally , this is probably an issue about the descriptor files needed to generate the endpoints.

Can you post your proto file? And to clarify, what you're saying is that Endpoints only recognizes client.WebRoute. The expectation is that it should just be WebRoute?Wesley Wong

1 Answers


You cannot change the URL in the generated file. gRPC spec defines the HTTP path is Service-Name "/" {method name}. The Service-Name for protobuf is ?( {proto package name} "." ) {service name}. You can change your proto file and regenerate the descriptors and your Go code to match what path you want.