I've created a custom field for Menu Items.
I'm using the field to allow the user to add onClick events.
For some reason I can't get the value when I call get_field.
This is my test code:
function nav_analytics_field( $atts, $item, $args ) {
foreach( $item as &$link ) {
$event_code = get_field('ga_event');
if( $event_code ) {
$atts['onClick'] = $event_code;
} else {
$atts['data-event'] = 'no-event';
} // end foreach
return $atts ;
The loop adds an onClick attribute to each menu item.
My filtering is clearing working: for each menu item I am getting the output of the 'else' condition. However, this happens whether field data exists or not.
This indicates that $event_code isn't being populated by get_field().
So... how do I actually get the field?