I have a set of records (table [#tmp_origin]) containing duplicate entries in a string field ([Names]). I would like to insert the whole content of [#tmp_origin] into the destination table [#tmp_destination], that does NOT allow duplicates and may already contain items.
If the string in the origin table does not exist in the destination table, then in is simply inserted in the destination table, as is. If an entry in the destination table already exists with the same value of the entry in the original table, a string-ified incremental number must be appended to the string, before it is inserted in the destination table.
The process of moving data in this way has been implemented with a cursor, in this sample script:
-- create initial situation (origin and destination table, both containing items) - Begin CREATE TABLE [#tmp_origin] ([Names] VARCHAR(10)) CREATE TABLE [#tmp_destination] ([Names] VARCHAR(10)) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IX_UniqueName] ON [#tmp_destination]([Names] ASC) INSERT INTO [#tmp_origin]([Names]) VALUES ('a') INSERT INTO [#tmp_origin]([Names]) VALUES ('a') INSERT INTO [#tmp_origin]([Names]) VALUES ('b') INSERT INTO [#tmp_origin]([Names]) VALUES ('c') INSERT INTO [#tmp_destination]([Names]) VALUES ('a') INSERT INTO [#tmp_destination]([Names]) VALUES ('a_1') INSERT INTO [#tmp_destination]([Names]) VALUES ('b') -- create initial situation - End DECLARE @Name VARCHAR(10) DECLARE NamesCursor CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY FOR SELECT [Names] FROM [#tmp_origin]; OPEN NamesCursor; FETCH NEXT FROM NamesCursor INTO @Name; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @finalName VARCHAR(10) SET @finalName = @Name DECLARE @counter INT SET @counter = 1 WHILE(1=1) BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [#tmp_destination] WHERE [Names] = @finalName) BREAK; SET @finalName = @Name + '_' + CAST(@counter AS VARCHAR) SET @counter = @counter + 1 END INSERT INTO [#tmp_destination] ([Names]) ( SELECT @finalName ) FETCH NEXT FROM NamesCursor INTO @Name; END CLOSE NamesCursor; DEALLOCATE NamesCursor; SELECT * FROM [#tmp_destination] /* Expected result: a a_1 a_2 a_3 b b_1 c */ DROP TABLE [#tmp_origin] DROP TABLE [#tmp_destination]
This works correctly, but its performance drastically slows down when the number of items to insert increases.
Any idea to speed it up?