Primary purpose is to run multiple chrome browsers(9 browsers) in a single container.
I have a hub & node setup with containers having multiple browsers to run in a single chrome node container. I have created two containers with the below docker commands :
To create a hub container : docker run -d -p 4445:4444 --name selenium_hub selenium/hub
To create node container and link it to the hub : docker run -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -d -p 6001:5900 -p 7001:5555 -e NODE_MAX_INSTANCES=7 --name chrome_6 --link selenium_hub:hub selenium/node-chrome-debug
The problem is when i run my test cases in a single container by launching multiple chrome browsers simultaneously(9 browsers), test cases get executes for a while then browsers start crashing one by one.
I have tried docker logs of container, but couldn't able to find the actual cause for the issue.
Can someone guide me on this? How to debug this scenario? Is there anyone faced similar issue and fixed it?